Our Governance

We are committed to creating positive, enduring change through our work with clients and the way we run our firm. We regularly evaluate and update our governance to ensure our firm today stays true to our purpose, mission, and values.

Code of Conduct

Our Code of Conduct (Our Code) is comprised of seven principles. These principles are observable truths that set the foundation for how we live our firm’s purpose, mission, and values, every day.

black book with pen
black book with pen

We respect one another
Core behaviors include:
• Maintaining an inclusive, respectful, and caring meritocracy
• Never engaging in harassment or discrimination
• Communicating responsibly
• Working safely

We are dedicated to doing the right thing
Core behaviors include:
• Never engaging in bribery or corruption
• Interacting properly with government officials
• Abiding by trade controls and sanctions
• Competing fairly
• Protecting individual privacy
• Maintaining complete and accurate records

We have a duty to speak up
Our duty to speak up goes above and beyond our ‘obligation to dissent,’ it is an obligation to report. Failure to report misconduct, may result in discipline, up to and including separation from our firm

We build trust through our integrity
Our Code guides us toward integrity based decision making and allows us to lead in ways that earn and build trust. It outlines the behaviors expected from each of us, what to do, and where to go if we have questions, no matter where we are in the world

We are grounded in our purpose, mission, and values
Our shared commitment to our clients, our communities and to each other is the foundation of everything we do and drives our firm’s culture

We are conscious of our impact in our communities
Core behaviors include:
• Championing social impact
• Striving for environmental sustainability
• Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) responsibly and ethically

We partner with our clients responsibly
Core behaviors include:
• Selecting clients and engagements responsibly
• Protecting confidentiality
• Safeguarding data
• Using technology assets responsibly
• Avoiding conflicts of interest

Our Leaders

Green Liberty is led globally by our managing partner; our elected board of directors, known as the Shareholders Council; a global leadership team known as the Acceleration Team; and the leaders of our offices and practices.